“—– Original Message ——–
Subject: Justin: …..|….
Date: ……2021 ..:…
From: …. <….@….>
To: Justin ….. <…..@joamaconsulting.com>


I hope you and your loved ones are doing well in these unprecedented times.

Advantage|ForbesBooks, the exclusive book publishing partner of Forbes Media, is looking to publish a handful of top innovators and peak performers. After concluding my research I believe your credentials, expertise, and business success make you an excellent candidate for authorship.

My team and I are excited to extend this invitation to explore the opportunity with our …. and learn more about your vision for Joama Consulting.

Are you available on …. to connect? If not, please view our team’s availability …… that is most convenient for you.



Message from Justin Ondo-Assoumou to Advantage/Forbes :

After our discussion a few days ago, I asked my interlocutor to pass on my thanks to the leaders of Advantage/Forbes for this mark of confidence to me and my international consulting firm Joama Consulting for the work we do on our platforms with international visibility, our expertise and our professionalism.

I am very interested on that opportunity. We concluded to discuss again about the matter later at the appropriate time.

NB: We are making this publication free of charge for an additional thank you in order to allow your company to be known on the international network of Joama Consulting.

Thanks again to Advantage/Forbes (USA)

Founder & CEO/ Fondateur & PDG / Author-Auteur
at Joama Consulting / ECCA-MB, Echanges Commerciaux Canada/Afrique,
Associate & International Ambassador / Associé et Ambassadeur International
à MAKWIN Housing Solutions/Systems