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Mexico 🤝 SUSSEX DR, OTTAWA (GLOBAL AFFAIRS CANADA – AFFAIRES MONDIALES CANADA/ WEEKLY NEWS) 👉 “The United States and Mexico are close friends and allies.”// ✍️ “Les États-Unis et le Mexique sont des amis proches et des allié!”, MIN. MARY NG, M.I.T.E.P.S.B.E.D./ POWERED BY: JOAMA CONSULTING – JAN. 15, 2023

Thank you to StartUp Canada, … (CANADA) and UpCity, … (USA) : CONGRATULATIONS! Joama Consulting Inc. has won an UpCity Best of Manitoba Award 2022!  &  UpCity Best of Announcement Post!✍️ From/ De: MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE (Global Affairs Canada) / MINISTÈRE DU COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL (Affaires Mondiales Canada)  👉 By:/ Par:  Mary NG, of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development / […]

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Vignette d'entrée

The Ukrainian U25 hockey team and the @umbisons / S’amuser ensemble 🤝 BROADWAY, WINNIPEG, MB, CANADA (GOVERNMENT OF MANITOBA/ WEEKLY NEWS) 👉 “What a game between the Ukrainian U25 hockey team and the @umbisons!”// ✍️ “PLAISIRS EN FAMILLE – S’amuser ensemble, c’est facile chez nous.″/ POWERED BY: JOAMA CONSULTING -JAN. 15, 2023

Thank you to StartUp Canada, … (CANADA) and UpCity, … (USA) :CONGRATULATIONS! Joama Consulting Inc. has won an UpCity Best of Manitoba Award 2022!  &  UpCity Best of Announcement Post!✍️ From:/ De: MANITOBA GOVERNMENT=> Website in English: / Site en Français: 👉 Hon. Heather STEFANSON, Premier of Manitoba – Premier Ministre du Manitoba /* Images: Government of Manitoba* Information shared on: / Informations partagées […]

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Vignette d'entrée

The North American Leaders’ Summit 🤝 CANADA, SUSSEX DRIVE/PROMENADE, OTTAWA, ON (PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA – PREMIER MINISTRE DU CANADA : WEEKLY NEWS) 👉 “There was a lot on the agenda at the North American Leaders’ Summit.” // ✍️ “L’ordre du jour du Sommet des leaders nord-américains était chargé.”/ POWERED BY: JOAMA CONSULTING – JAN. 15, 2023

Thank you to StartUp Canada, … (CANADA) and UpCity, … (USA) : CONGRATULATIONS! Joama Consulting Inc. has won an UpCity Best of Manitoba Award 2022!  &  UpCity Best of Announcement Post!✍️ 👉 From/ De: Prime Minister of Canada – Premier ministre du CanadaWebsite: / Site:  The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau / Le très honorable Justin Trudeau=> Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA => Photos: Min. Justin Trudeau’s team (Canada government official)* Information […]

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EVENT: JOUR/ DAY J-18 SEM./ WEEKS 🤝 MICOMA-1 MAI/ MAY 2023 : MISSION ÉCONOMIQUE AU MANITOBA/ONTARIO– TRADE MISSION IN MANITOBA/ONTARIO- “Are invited: ENTREPRENEURS, INVESTORS, AUTHORITIES AND ECONOMIC OPERATORS ” // 👉 “12 main business opportunity in Manitoba and many audiences in Ottawa” ✍️ “Date limite d’enregistrement: 28 fevrier 2023 ”/ POWERED BY: JOAMA CONSULTING – JAN. 15, 2023

Thank you to StartUp Canada, … (CANADA) and UpCity, … (USA) : CONGRATULATIONS! Joama Consulting Inc. has won an UpCity Best of Manitoba Award 2022!  &  UpCity Best of Announcement Post!✍️  MICOMA-1 MAI/ MAY 2023,du lundi 22 au vendredi 26 mai 2023 – from Monday, May 22 to Friday May 26, 2023=> MISSION ÉCONOMIQUE AU MANITOBA/ONTARIO – TRADE MISSION IN […]

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COMMANDEZ VOTRE FORMATION EN ENTREPRENEURIAT 🤝 12 petites vidéos sur YOUTUBE: ‘RESET’ – RÉUSSIR SON ENTREPRISE & 14 DESIGNS (Montée en septembre 2019)👉 “Lien YouTube 1: Business- Module1- MEC/ Comment REUSSIR SON ENTREPRISE? Introduction (2mn 28)” // ✍️ “Module 1: MEC en 4 leçons & Module 2: PPP en 4 leçons ”/ POWERED BY: JOAMA CONSULTING – JAN. 15, 2023

Thank you to StartUp Canada, … (CANADA) and UpCity, … (USA) :  CONGRATULATIONS! Joama Consulting Inc. has won an UpCity Best of Manitoba Award 2022!  &  UpCity Best of Announcement Post!✍️ Pour votre FORMATION: ‘RESET’ – RÉUSSIR SON ENTREPRISE & 14 DESIGNS Conception de 14 affiches différentes/ Entrepreneuriat, Centre Communautaire ou Centre de Formation : Jeunes et Adultes (Individuel/Groupe)/ 3 modules (MEC/PPP/DES)  👉 Justin ONDO-ASSOUMOU, Conférencier, Formateur et Coach– Fondateur […]

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