• SALNAM Elects Mohamed Moe Koroma as President
    By Samuel Ngombi,
    Winnipeg, Canada.
  • => Publication on: Nov. 17, 2022
    => Images: 40 Acres CANADA 
The Sierra Leone Nationals Association of Manitoba (SALNAM) Saturday November 5th elected a new President, Mohamed Moe Koroma (pictured).

In what has been described by many as a “protest vote” against incumbent, Alie Nasralla, a total of 174 total votes were cast and the challenger, Moe scored 134 votes while Nasralla polled 40 votes only.

It could be recalled that Nasralla has been president of SALNAM for a term with an extension of his mandate to another year, while his challenger, Moe Koroma, who was also a member of his cabinet, resigned his position because he lost faith in Nasralla’s leadership.

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