- Thank you to StartUp Canada, … (CANADA) and UpCity, … (USA) :
CONGRATULATIONS! Joama Consulting Inc. has won an UpCity Best of Manitoba Award 2022! & UpCity Best of Announcement Post!
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Website : https://upcity.com/ - 👉 Dan Olson, CEO of UpCity
=> Heidi Sullivan, SVP, Product & Marketing at UpCity
=> Jenny Wittman, Director of Customer Success at UpCity

- By: Leilani Wertens, LEAD GENERATION, OCTOBER 12, 2022
“5 UX Strategies That Generate Higher Conversion Rates”
User experience is one of the most important, foundational elements for a successful business. The way consumers are interacting with businesses today is drastically different than it was a few years ago and the entire internet has become their local marketplace. Every single aspect of a customer’s interaction with a business, from the first introduction to the point of conversion, makes up the whole of their user experience and forms the foundation of their opinion about the brand.
It’s important to keep all of this in mind when considering your approach to UX. We tend to think of UX as nicely compartmentalized tactics that add value to the time a person spends on a website, but it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture and how UX ultimately contributes to bringing website visitors across the finish line to conversion.
Read / Learn more: https://upcity.com/blog/5-ux-strategies-that-generate-higher-conversion-rates/

- CONGRATULATIONS! Joama Consulting Inc. has won an UpCity Best of Manitoba Award 2022! & UpCity Best of Announcement Post!

Joama Consulting Inc.
Winnipeg, MB, CA

180 North LaSalle St.
Suite 2100
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: +1 312-445-9615
Email : Info@Upcity.Com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/upcity/
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