- Thank you to StartUp Canada, … (CANADA) and UpCity, … (USA) :
CONGRATULATIONS! Joama Consulting Inc. has won an UpCity Best of Manitoba Award 2022! & UpCity Best of Announcement Post!
https://joamaconsulting.com/north-lasalle-st-chicago-il-upcity-%f0%9f%91%89-%f0%9f%8d%be-congratulations-joama-consulting-inc-has-won-an-upcity-best-of-manitoba-award-%e2%9c%8d%ef%b8%8f/ - From:/ De: MANITOBA GOVERNMENT
=> Website in English: https://www.gov.mb.ca/index.html / Site en Français: https://www.gov.mb.ca/index.fr.html - 👉 Hon. Heather STEFANSON, Premier of Manitoba – Premier Ministre du Manitoba /
* Images: Government of Manitoba
* Information shared on: / Informations partagées le: FEB. 19, 2023

- English
“Productive meeting today with federal ministers @DLeBlancNB & @jyduclos / Developing skills at school“, Feb. 17, 2023
1/- * Productive meeting today with federal ministers @DLeBlancNB & @jyduclos to advance shared priorities to strengthen our health system and deliver improvements for Manitobans.
#mbpoli #cdnpoli
Learn more :
2/- * Developing skills at school helps grow your confidence and build your future. https://bit.ly/3Wj9Ihh
Learn more :

- Français
“Développer des compétences à l’école″, 10 fév. 2023
Développer des compétences à l’école t’aide à augmenter ta confiance et à construire ton avenir. https://bit.ly/3XEHChd
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