(Le Français suit)
- From/De: Elections Canada
Par/By : Élection fédérale | 2021 | Federal Election ; Photo: Elections Canada - Published on/ Publié le: September 5, 2021
https://www.facebook.com/ElectionsCanE/photos/a.744103099046014/4126017504187873/?__cft__[0]=AZX667LXOTXsi557A7Xp7kdFiqwJ2GzFBj9V7ce80DWM80Kfva_5T1hZ1lgDMAElT5HBitO6QENA1rK979LqohnQqfr_3YiTLWUUHLw3M-_vElnja9LSVmHodUqmuBq2mpNA4BteuYTaB0Xolxg1kN0YNrclPEjaHkwStVykPrCsOA&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R - Shared by:/ Partagé par: Joama Consulting/ «Blog/Publicité/advertising», https://joamaconsulting.com/blog/, and sent to our local, national and international platforms / et envoyé vers nos plateformes locales, nationales et internationales :
* Do you or your family members speak any of these languages? We offer our Guide to the Federal Election in all of them! https://www.elections.ca/content2.aspx?section=spr&dir=voting%2Fgui-lang&document=index&lang=e&cid=
* Est-ce que vous ou un membre de votre famille parlez l’une de ces langues? Le Guide pour l’élection fédérale est offert dans chacune d’elles!https://www.elections.ca/content2.aspx?section=spr&dir=voting%2Fgui-lang&document=index&lang=f&cid=