Charity Organization · Nonprofit Organization · Public Service
Adresse : 5 Donald St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2T4 (CANADA)
Téléphone :+1 (204) 477-5180
Email: info@volunteermanitoba.ca - Published on/ Publié le: April 20, 2021
https://www.facebook.com/VolunteerManitoba/posts/4078865288839180?__cft__[0]=AZXLZCWnYbdg52PeR4R96hpFQSRScHCvi29JvluWb-rA5agKnNfKeYgvEK-_J_Z8MdMA6FMitRtjOqR7GPZkq8OfHZvVpx1VX3bwT_9jgFJxeVcV_oT1TwiXDYZ7MYmoMMJeqeMvoOXvWiNfVtLdjJtF&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R - Shared by: Joama Consulting blog /Partagé par: Joama Consulting blog : «Blog/Publicité/advertising», https://joamaconsulting.com/blog/,
and sent to our local, national and international platforms / et envoyé vers nos plateformes locales, nationales et internationales : https://joamaconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/15-Platforms-JOAMA.pdf
Submit your nominations before May 24th to recognize one of your own exceptional volunteers as part of Manitoba’s most prestigious volunteer recognition event.
Help us celebrate our volunteers by nominating them for a Volunteer Award!
Every year, thousands of volunteers across the province donate their time to the many non-profit and charitable organizations here in Manitoba. This past year, volunteers have continued to give back under the most challenging of circumstances and we want to celebrate all they have done for our communities.
If you know of a friend, family member, neighbour, coworker or a member of your community who deserves to be recognized for their volunteer work please share their story with us by submitting a nomination on their behalf for the 38th Annual Volunteer Awards!
Help us recognize and celebrate Manitoba’s volunteers!