Friends of Africa is a Global platform that features dignitaries and great African leaders, it brings together diverse entrepreneurs. With a lot to offer; it also creates a chance for you to network with other like-minded individuals and to learn about different aspects of entrepreneurship that can help grow your business.

The 12th annual FOA Summit will be organized as a Hybrid summit from the 12th-15th of October 2022.
Venue: Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, ON. Canada.
Theme: Overcoming a Global recession
Event Starts at 3 PM on the 12th of October, 2022

What to Expect: Keynote speeches, panel discussions, and fireside chat
Pitch presentations/competitions and workshops.
Business showcase: marketplace & products
Black founders in business.

The impact of the pandemic across frontier markets has been challenging, with increased strains on local institutions and economies. So join us as we provide solutions and contribute to the enhancement of the startup ecosystem.

You can win $5000-$10000 in grant award – Pitch Prize
Register Here