👉 Ms Remilekun Yewande ALLEN
Co-Founder & Managing Director at Ayewa Deals Resources

Atan Sango, Ogun State, Lagos
    Ms Remilekun Yewande ALLEN, Co-Founder & Managing Director at Ayewa Deals Resources, Ogun State, Lagos, NIGERIA.

    CONSULTANT to NIGERIA & REPRESENTATIVE in British Columbia for JOAMA Consulting

    Ms Remilekun Yewande ALLEN, Co-Founder & Managing Director at Ayewa Deals Resources, Ogun State, Lagos, NIGERIA, on behalf of Joama Consulting, https://joamaconsulting.com/en/prospecting-tour-2017/, our partners and collaborators in our international network, https://joamaconsulting.com/blog, we welcome you as a partner as a CONSULTANT to NIGERIA & REPRESENTATIVE in British Columbia for JOAMA Consulting

    We hope that your collaboration will grow business relations between Canada and Africa/International, starting with our event jointly organized with our partners in Cameroon:
    MICOMA-1-MAY 2023 ((Mission Économique au Manitoba/Ontario – Trade Mission in Manitoba/Ontario) WINNIPEG (Manitoba) and OTTAWA (Ontario), https://joamaconsulting.com/event-micoma-1-may-2023-%f0%9f%a4%9d-jour-day-j-d-24-registration-deadline-february-28-2023-date-limite-denregistrement-28-fevrier-2023-micoma-mission-ec/ , in which you are already involved in preparations and organization. This is probably the beginning of a long term of opportunities between us and our partners that you will meet soon.


    JOAMA Consulting Inc. (Canada)
    Madame Remilekun Yewande ALLEN, Co-Founder & Managing Director at Ayewa Deals Resources, Ogun State, Lagos, NIGERIA

    Madame Remilekun Yewande ALLEN, Co-Founder & Managing Director at Ayewa Deals Resources, Ogun State, Lagos, NIGERIA, au nom de Joama Consulting, https://joamaconsulting.com/visite-de-prospection-2017/, de nos partenaires et collaborateurs de notre réseau international, https://joamaconsulting.com/blog/ , nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue comme partenaire en tant que CONSULTANTE au NIGERIA & REPRÉSENTANTE en Colombie-Britannique pour JOAMA Consulting

    Nous espérons que votre collaboration fera croitre les relations d’affaires entre le Canada et l’Afrique/International, en commençant par notre  événement conjointement organisé avec nos partenaires du Cameroun :
    MICOMA-1-MAI 2023 (Mission Économique au Manitoba/Ontario – Trade Mission in Manitoba/Ontario) WINNIPEG (Manitoba) et OTTAWA (Ontario),https://joamaconsulting.com/event-micoma-1-may-2023-%f0%9f%a4%9d-jour-day-j-d-24-registration-deadline-february-28-2023-date-limite-denregistrement-28-fevrier-2023-micoma-mission-ec/ , dans lequel vous êtes déjà impliqué pour les préparatifs et l’organisation. C’est probablement le début d’un long terme d’opportunités entre nous et nos partenaires que vous rencontrerez bientôt.


    JOAMA Consulting Inc. (Canada)